Senshi Commentary


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Ichiban Sailor Senshi

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This is a page dedicated to some of our thoughts about the Sailor Scouts, and some of the themes of the show.

Lady Celaenova:

What is it about these girls that fascinates the minds of thousands of people all over the world? Is it their powers? Is it their personalities? Or is it the story? The answer is all of the above and much more. People can't help liking these soldiers of love and justice.

When watching these shows consider the following:
What do you like about the show(s)?
Why do you like these things of the show(s)?
Is there a certain character(s) that you want to be? Or
like the personality of?
Do you like a certain episode(s) of the show(s)?
Why do you like these episode(s)?
Is there something different about Japanese Animation
that superior to regular American cartoons? (I know
I'm being a little prejudiced. But what can I say?
Japanimation is SO much better than American

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