
Okay, I don't own Sailor Moon or any of her friends. But this is my story, and I wrote it all by myself. The storyline is my idea. Even though other fanfic writers have knights and etc., this is my version of things. If you aren't into possibly mushy, touchy-feely romance stuff, then DO NOT continue and don't read any more of my stories!





Fury Arising

By Lady Celanova

Rated PG-13


      Who is the Man in Blue?



Fury Arising


Chapter 2- The Man in Blue

      Amy and Greg came out of the theater. They were happily entertained from watching the movie. Just as they were about to leave, they heard a familiar shout. "Amy! Greg!" They turned to see Serena and Darien emerge from another room.

      "We didn't know you'd be here," said Amy.

      "Neither did we. I was just telling Darien that I saw you two," she smiled mischievously.

      "Oh stop embarrassing them. It really is nice bumping into you two," apologized Darien.

      "I was just going to take Greg to La Rochelle, the new coffee house. Would you two like to come?" asked Amy.

      Serena looked at Darien pleadingly. "Sure," he said.


      The two couples arrived at the coffee house fifteen minutes later. They order four hot chocolates, 8 muffins, and 6 cookies, as usual. Serena ate most of the cookies and muffins. They went to the seating area and saw 3 recognizable faces at a large table. "Look who it is!" cried Mina. Lita and Raye looked up from their books. "Come on take a seat," Mina waved at them.

      The couples sat down with the three girls. "So what are you doing here?" asked Lita.

      "We were at the movies and we saw each other," explained Greg.

      "Well we single ladies were guy watching," sighed Lita.

      "Ughh!" groaned Raye. "There were at least five guys she said that reminded her of her old boyfriend." Everyone had sweat drops.

      "Hey! They did!"

      "What-ever! Anyway. I got a call from my agent. I have a photo shoot for a new video game," said Mina cheerfully.

      "Really!!!!" Serena squealed loudly.

      They all flinched at her high-pitched squeal. "Yeah," Mina smiled pleasantly pretending not to hear the shriek.

      "What kind of game?" asked Amy supportively.

      "Actually, Maser [her agent] said it's a Sailor Scout video game." Mina had a wide grin on her face.

      "Wow!" They all said.

      "Sailor V's mission is to rescue the 'new' scouts from zombies and monsters. The monsters get tougher every time a scout gets saved," explained Mina.

      "Did they found models for the new scouts?" asked Serena. She was giddy with the idea that she could be a model.

      "Actually... they picked them the day after I got the call," said Mina reluctantly.

      Serena's face turned into her sad, weepy face. Darien gave her another cookie to calm her down. Amy picked up the conversation. "I liked the movie we saw. So did Greg."

      "What was it?" asked Lita.

      "The Vortex of Doom. It's an American movie," replied Greg.

      "The story was SO complicated!" whined Serena.

      "What's so complicated? Aliens from another dimension takes over world and they use people as sources of energy. Why does that sound vaguely familiar?" said Darien sarcastically.

      "Ooooohh!! You had to be mean!" she smacked his arm. She turned away from him in anger.

      Darien rubbed his arm and said, "I'm sorry Serena I really am. Will you forgive me?" He turned her around to face him.

      She looked up at him. Serena stared at his handsome face. His eyes were filled with sincerity. Serena said, "Alright Darien." They gave each other a kiss.

      After an hour, they all separated. Darien took Serena home. Mina, Lita, and Raye went to the temple for a sleepover. Greg took Amy home. The moon was full that Fall night. The two sweethearts were together after weeks apart. "I had a lovely evening," said Amy.

      "I'm glad. We've been through a lot together," he said. They remembered Zoisite, Beryl, Evil Prince Endymion, and the war with the Chaos Galaxy. Three people: Greg, Professor Xavier, and Jean Grey were captured. Later Raye/Sailor Mars was taken as well.

      "I know," sobbed Amy. She had almost lost Greg. He held her tightly.

      "I'm here, I'm here," said Greg. He gently stroked her hair as she rested her head on his shoulder. She looked up at him and they were soon locked in a kiss. After a moment, they separated. They said nothing because there were no words to say.

      A strong wind blew and a dust cloud formed in front of them. "Well two little lovebirds. Time to come back to Earth."

      "Who are you?" shouted Amy.

      "I am Insomno, daimon of nightmares. And I will destroy you and your little boyfriend, Sailor Mercury," he hissed.

      "How do you know who I am?" she asked.

      "To those that enter the Dream World, I shall know them by their faces," said Insomno.

      "Mercury Star Power!" Amy transforms into Sailor Mercury. "Run Greg Run!"

      "I won't leave you."

      "How sweet!" he said sarcastically. He opened his lantern and a dark spirit emerged to a familiar form.

      Sailor Mercury grabbed her communicator and pressed all the buttons. "Scouts, hurry. Empress Ronama is alive!" The other shrieked in disbelief as Mercury hastily shut off her communicator.

      "Oh Ronama is dead. This is your nightmare. I will leave you to be reacquainted."

      "Dark winds blow!" Empress Ronama unleashed her fury.

      "Mercury Bubbles Blast!" A fog formed and the two heroes ran.

      "Disperse!" Ronama waved her hand and a breeze blew the fog away. She pursued the couple.


      They ran into the park. "Didn't think our date would end like this," panted Greg.

      "I know." They ran onto a path that led to the lake.

      "Got you now!" cackled Ronama.

      "Not so fast!" shouted a friendly voice. They all turned to see the Sailor Senshi and Tuxedo Mask.

      "The Failure Senshi! Take this!"  Ronama threw huge rocks at them. Lita dodged them. Raye kept using her firepower. Tuxedo Mask lifted Sailor Moon onto a tree.

      "Moon Tiara Magic!" shouted Sailor Moon. She aimed her tiara at Ronama.

      Ronama made a large baseball bat appear. She swung the tiara back at Sailor Moon and broke the branch they were standing on. They landed on the ground with a thump. "Dark pebbles Shower!" A huge shower pelted them.

      "Leave them alone!" Greg used his telekinesis to throw some of her pebbles at Ronama.

      "You stay out of this!" A wind lifted Greg and he was propelled into the center of the lake.

      "Greg!" screamed Sailor Mercury in horror. Her worry began to turn into fury when she heard Ronama laughed. Insomno was right. This was her nightmare, the idea of losing Greg. "I've had enough of you! You're going to pay for what you did to my friends! Mercury... Aqua... Rhapsody!" she screamed. A huge blast of water temporarily froze Ronama. Mercury leered at her hated enemy. "Insomno won't be able to stop the Sailor senshi with his tricks!"

      "Insomno? The nightmare daimon?" asked Tuxedo Mask.

      "You know him?" asked all the scouts in unison.

      "When I served Queen Beryl, I became familiar with him. He is powerful. There is only one way to defeat Ronama."

      "How?" asked Sailor Moon.

      "Only Sailor Mercury can stop her. Ronama is part of her nightmare. Like any nightmare, only she can defeat it. That's why only Sailor Mercury's attacks have been effective."

      "Very good Cape Boy. But the mousy pipsqueak can't destroy me! As we speak her little boyfriend is drowning in the lake. Glug! Glug! Glug!" cackled Ronama.

      Sailor Mercury began sobbing hysterically when she thought of Greg slowly drowning in the lake beyond her reach. "Oh! If there is someone, God maybe. I pray for a miracle to save Greg."


      At the lake, Greg slowly sank towards the bottom. The air bubbles floated to the top as water filled his lungs. He was halfway to the bottom when Sailor Mercury said her prayer. As though answering her plea, a silvery-white orb materialized in the water. It used a special force field to give Greg air and stopped his descent. The light was bright. It floated towards Greg's bubble. "Gregory! Sir Gregory, awaken!" purred the voice from the light. Greg's eyes fluttered open as he coughed up water.

      His eyes widened as he realized where he was. He saw the light and gasped. "What do you want?"

      "I want you to listen to me Sir Gregory," the light glowed when it spoke.

      "Who are you? And why are you calling me Sir Gregory?" he asked.

      "All you questions will be answered soon, but not right now. All you need to know is that I am the one who saved you," said the light.

      "Why?" he asked.

      "Princess Ami prayed for you and I answered her plea," replied the light.

      "Who is that?"

      "Why, Sailor Mercury of course. But we must not delay. Sailor Mercury and the senshi are in danger." The light quickly informed him what happened after he fell in the lake.

      "What can I do?"

      "Hold out your hand." He obeyed. Blue sparks appeared and landed on his hand to form a blue crystal. He closed his hand over it and he could feel it melt into a blue light that wrapped him. A mercury symbol appeared on his forehead. "Now say Mercury knight power!"

      He shouted, "Mercury knight power!" The Mercury symbol glowed and a rush of water emerged from the symbol. It wrapped around him just like Sailor Mercury's transformation. Soon the water disappeared. He looked at himself and his uniform. He realized that he was the blue Tuxedo Mask in his vision. "Now hurry Mercury knight." The light disappeared. He pulled his ice sword from his sheath and prepared for action.


      "Well little pipsqueak. Prepare to die!" Ronama crept closer to Sailor Mercury. She was too grief-stricken to keep fighting. Ronama inched closer and closer.

      The lake bubbled and they all turned to stare. At the center, a spray of water climbed to form a column of water like a fountain. A figure emerged at the top of the water. "Who's that?" screeched Ronama.

      The blue warrior used his sword and an ice beam created a slide that ended on the grassy shore. He stepped onto the slide and soon stood by Sailor Mercury. "I am Mercury Knight, defender of the planet Mercury and protector of Sailor Mercury."

      "Show off! Dark Winds!" Mercury knight stood in front of Sailor Mercury and took the brunt of the attack.

      "Mercury Ice Beam!" Ronama was knocked down to the ground.

      Sailor Mercury faced her knight. "Is Greg alright?" She wiped away her tears.

      He smiled warmly. "He's safe. My princess, only you have the power to destroy Ronama." She looked doubtfully at him. He leaned to her ear and whispered, "Your nightmare is over. Greg is safe. Now you have control of the nightmare."

      Sailor Mercury knew what to do. Ronama climbed to her feet. "Mercury Bubbles Freeze!" Her bubbles completely froze Ronama. "Now... Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!" Her attack smashed the frozen Ronama into a tree. The ice shards melted into the ground and Ronama was dead forever.

      The scouts gathered around Mercury knight. Soon they transformed into their normal clothes. Mercury knight took off his mask (just like Darien) and changed. They gasped "Greg?"

      Amy said "Oh Greg! I'm glad you're alive!" She grabbed onto him and they ended up in another kiss. The others only stared. The couple soon remembered the other and stopped. They saw 5 grins. After the awkward moment passed, Greg told them what had happened in the lake. As he finished, the Silver Light appeared. It wrapped them in light and teleported them to the Mercury kingdom.


Next time: The Mercury Kingdom