Star struck, bad luck episode one of the Sailormoon series.

This may not be the best telling of the episode,

 But I hope this give an idea what happened in the episode.



Raye’s presence. Evil force. Dream premonition. Serena snore. Darien dream.

 Test practice. Raye think of premonition. Test tubes galore. Growing Bud heart attacker.

Pure heart. Go-Serena got a 5 on her test. Raye/Serena bump. Rinse water.

Rayed thinks of the premonition still. To improve grades for Darien. Pod seeks.

Darien says the grade that Serena got was horrible.

“…postpone next date.”

“Never date again!”

Reveal the dream to Raye. She ties a fortune paper to the tree. Tree growth.

 Heart attack clasp to wall. Luna threatens to Serena with her claws to make her study.

Serena sees the diamond monster, but she is now clasped to the tree by the monster.

Darien becomes Tuxedo Mask and makes the scepter of both Darien and Serena’s love.

The diamond monster beats the scepter. Takes away her locket.

 Cats Artemous and Luna try to claw away the monster.

 Raye gets back the pure heart from two mysterious characters.

 They are sitting in the tree shielded by the shadow of the tree. They leave.


 Posted on Thursday, November 02, 2000