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On this page we'll include character information and stats for our favorite anime series.

Luna and Artemis lick


Raye Hino/Hino Rei

She's a girl that has NO doubts about how great she is. -_-;; However, she's got a lot of spirit and compassion for people. She's a talented young woman, who wants to be... well everything! She can sing, and she can also do exorcisms. ^_~ But she's Sailor Mars, and ready to fight.

Her powers include: Mars power, Mars Star Power, Exorcism (which is when she has that paper with the Japanese writing on it. This is actually a Shinto prayer/blessing that's supposed to possess power against evil.), Fire Ignite, Fire Soul Bird, Celestial Fire Surround, and Flame Shooter.

Neptune lookin' hot.gif

I put this picture here because this is one of Michelle's many artistic talents in her regular life.


Sailor Mercury: a mature woman.

Mizuno Ami/Amy Sailor Mercury

As Ami/Amy, she is one of the best students in Japan! She can always be counted on to help her friends with their problems.

As Sailor Mercury, she uses defense attacks to help the sailor senshi. Also, her computer that functions as an analyzer to detect Negaverse activity.

Her powers include: Mercury power (Transformation), Mercury Star Power (Transformation in Dub from R-SuperS), Mercury Bubbles, Freezing Bubbles, Shine Aqua Illusion, and Mercury Rhapsody.

What isn't commonly known is that in the Mangas, she has an extra power called Snow shine illusion. Unfortunately, I haven't read the mangas where she uses this, so I can't really describe it.



Lita Kino/Kino Makoto

She loves to cook, and she loves boys. Sounds like your typical teenage girl? (Not really from this girl's POV ^_~) But beneath that exterior, is really Sailor Jupiter!

Her powers include: Jupiter Power, Jupiter Star Power, THunder Crash, Supreme Dragon, Sparkling Wide Pressure, and Oak Evolution.

If any of the cast members has a web site dedicated to just them, I might include a link to it here.