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The Anime Music Page!
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Boccherini: Minuet
Ichiban Sailor Senshi
Site Updates

We're hard at work trying to make this site better.

The first official update of this site. For the most part, Genadiya, Cindy, and I haven't been much working on the site. On their behalf, I'll apologize for anyone that's been to this site and hasn't seen any changes.

Well, I'm sorry to say there is still not much. I've just changed the counter, made slight changes to pictures that have been on this site for a while, and of course added this update. I'm hoping to rededicate myself to Sailor Moon since Gundam Wing has taken over my life.

O_o It's been a LONG time since I've touched this website. So anyways, Just telling you that we're still working out our schedules and whatnot. (Lady C) I've added a few more things to the Data files, and a couple of links here and there. Otherwise very little progress. If you want more progress for this site, we'll need your help. SEND US STUFF!!!! And the best news of all is that I've added an Mp3 request page! Just read the details on the page. Please help me with this anyone who may be interested in getting songs. Share music with those that can't get to it! Thanks, and this is Lady C signing off.

Like what you've read here? Hate what you've read here? Share my passion and want to contribute? Or you want to ask questions about the site in general? Please get in touch!

Just click this address to send me mail:

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