Boccherini: Minuet |
Genadiya's Domain!!! Yours for all the SailorMoon Super episodes The names of the episodes have changed dramatically. So if you can't understand what episode what is, then go to the Castle in the Sky site.(In the illustrated episode guides subtitles. Personally I think that these are MUCH better than mine but, my versions get the jokes.) The episodes that they have done are on below the homepage subtitles. They have all the Sailormoon Super Series episodes, and if you are willing to print them out then go do. But I'm warning you, it takes a while to look and print them. As you may know the minuet of Bocherrini is the violin piece played by Michiru Kaiou; a.k.a Michelle. This is a beautiful light piece that she plays, and I, Genadiya love it. Sailormoon S: Star Struck Bad Luck. The first episode of this series. |
Wow! I think this picture is HOT! Thanks for Cindy who got this pic. Wait is Haruka Ten'ou wearing a GIRL'S UNIFORM!? Whoa dude, this is some change. (Thank Genadiya and Miss Cindy for this page!) |
As you can see Haruka Ten'ou is wearing a lovery DRESS. Doesn't she look BABEALICIOUS. As always Michiru Kaiou has a good sense of taste and style. She looks banging in this picture. Enter supporting content here |